Sentinels of Earth Prime - Omega vs. Cap Thunder/Lady Liberty/Pseudo/Siren/Star Knight at Terminus

1 year ago

For the final battle, we are going to be here for a little while to slog through everything. Ironically, I almost got the villain achievement for this one, so when we come back, we need to do something similar. Also, I do not know what fallen hero they are alluding to in the opening.

As for strategy, we need a lot of firepower to smash through the Breaches while enduring their effects. They are extremely bulky, Omega has a lot of them, and if you ignore them, you can trigger his auto-win condition like Voss.

Cap Thunder serves as an off tank here, able to neutralize a lot of damage with the correct card plays. He is able to contribute extra damage here and there to help trim down the Breaches, but he doesn't hit as hard as some of the heroes in Multiverse.

Lady Liberty provides an immense amount of healing here, trying to help keep everyone topped off. There are additional effects she provides as a support to help keep everyone ticking, but she doesn't really have a very hard hitting nuke card.

Pseudo ends up getting to be more offensive than I anticipated by having him counter attack with his spikes and just smacking around targets as the opportunity arises.

Siren helps Lady Liberty with the healing, but she is able to also contribute a lot of splash damage. When we get the right cards out, I can intensify her damage output as the backlash to the heroes is mitigated. Her role here is to chip away at the immense number of enemies, setting them up for Star and Pseudo to finish off.

Star Knight gets to do a lot of damage here and is my primary source of it. With so many cards landing in her trash, I can activate her secondary effects and put the screws to the enemy from the mid game to the end. I wasn't expecting the numbers I got out of her, but I won't complain with the result.

As for the environment, Terminus is meant to be the most difficult battlefield in the game. It can supply Breaches to help Omega get his secondary win condition, but the good news is that since they are environment cards, you can pop them that way provided you have the means to do so. Otherwise, other troops loyal to the villain will hop out to make you miserable as well. Siren is able to block everything they have to throw, so keep that in mind if you are able to manipulate her HP for that round to have everything focus her while she is immune.

So this brings a close to the new content. I will look to get the achievements for the specific villains, but I am not sure how soon I can get around to that. This is something I will probably try to get Crimson involved in and we can get some of the guys from the Multiverse to lend a hand or two.

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