Covid-19 REACTS With 5G Radiation Frequencies

1 year ago

May 02, 2023

Countries initially hit hardest by Covid-19 also had advanced roll outs of 5G technology.

Dr. Beverly Rubik is back to talk about her research concerning the reaction between Covdi-19 and 5G technology.

The agent or virus, the health of the host, and the environment are three main factors involved in any disease.

Wireless signals can disrupt the human immune system.
Both Covid-19 and wireless radiation involve a reduction in the vital antioxidant glutathione.

5G technology was quietly built while Americans were locked down in their homes during the fake pandemic.

There appears to be a relationship between 5G and the adverse effects of the Covid-19 vaccines including the excess mortality being observed in countries who heavily encouraged or mandated their citizens to take the jab.

Dr. Rubik’s paper has been suppressed because it challenges the official narrative.
It is very difficult to get peer reviewed papers if those scientific research papers challenge the official narrative.

As 5G tech continues to spread, everyone needs to be aware of the danger and the symptoms caused by wireless radiation.

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