Job openings are at their lowest level in two years

1 year ago

In March, layoffs rose sharply going from a rate of 1.6 million a year to 1.8 million a year, so that is a 12.5% increase in layoffs over the course of just one month? Most of these layoffs are coming from construction, leisure, hospitality, and healthcare. These sectors were previously driving job growth, now they are driving layoffs.
In February, there was about 10 million job openings, now that is 9.6 million. Job openings have not been this low since April of 2021. It’s important to be intellectually honest and state that opening are still higher than before covid19. However, the risk is that the situation continues to deteriorate like we are seeing.
Sure, the economy is still strong, the issue is that the economy is weakening. When does it stop getting worse? That is the risk we are facing. I think things will continue to regress. There are a lot of people with vested interests and incentives to tell you everything is going great and things are perfectly normal. I am not one of those people.
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