Use your ‘Clock’ to Click!

1 year ago

[Transitional Times Poem Collection] -
The colloquialisms ‘use your clock’, ‘use your noggin’ and ‘use your loaf’ all refer to ‘using your head or your intelligence’. This little poem draws on that for solving issues in relationship. I enjoyed it's writing and the creation of the video. Hope you enjoy it also.

This piece falls into my Whimsical Poem Collection – which contains ‘A blend of Frippery, with Clever and Inane creations!’.

Poem Wording:-

Use your ‘Clock’ to Click!

Next time you’re ‘fighting’ or ‘aggravated and thick’.
Remember Eartha Kitt’s ‘The Heel’ – ‘It Takes Two to Click’!!

So, try and be like the hands on a clock!
Look see, how many times in a day, do they click?
Once at least around the hour it passes – I reckon. Slick!!

So please wait, hold your ‘ire’ in check.
Save all, from being put in, a ‘timeless’ wreck!!

Whether it is - Zero past 12, Five past 1, Ten past 2, Fifteen past 3
Etc. etc, she says in glee!

If ‘mood’ escapes you, however - be sure to be quick!
Whether it’s 25 to 7; or 20 to 8 –
Make your ‘atonements’ – don’t leave it too late!

Say – “Come over here dear and sit beside me.
Or something akin; as in, “Like a cup of tea?”
Then, “I’m sorry I behaved like a jerk.
I’m sorry I went a bit .. berserk!
Forgive me please for this mistake.
Thank you for being you and letting me, be me.
I love you and I’m sure I am, your, ‘favourite’ snake!!”

That’s it, that’s all it should take!!


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