Rogue Planets: The Lonely Wanderers of Interstellar Space #shorts

1 year ago

Did you know that there are planets in the universe that don't belong to any solar system or star? These are called orphan planets or rogue planets, and they wander independently in the vastness of interstellar space. Rogue planets are also known as rogye planets due to their free-spirited nature. Scientists have discovered about 170 such planets so far, which are not gravitationally bound to any star or solar system. These planets are formed during the creation of new planets in the universe, and they may collide with each other during the process, leading to changes in their orbits. As a result, they get expelled from their solar system and remain drifting in the interstellar space. This fascinating phenomenon sheds light on the mysterious and unpredictable nature of the universe, which continues to surprise us with its wonders.

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