Revolver News: Meet Ray Epps, Part 2 Audio/Video Presentation

1 year ago

This is an audio/video presentation of the Revolver News article “Meet Ray Epps, Part 2: Damning New Details Emerge Exposing Massive Web of Unindicted Operators at the Heart of January 6”

This channel has no connection to Revolver News – all rights belong to Revolver. I made this video because Revolver News founder Darren Beattie often urges people to read this article. However, this article is quite long and many people prefer to consume information in audio/podcast form. So I felt a video like this may be quite useful for people that don’t want to read a 8000+ word article.

I reproduced the Revolver News article word-for-word, except for correcting a few minor typos. I added only one small section to describe what the video is demonstrating in relation to #BlackSkiMask at 44:50.

I should also note that my channel name (and associated artwork) is a metaphor. I don’t advocate arson, violence, or criminal activity of any kind, including trespassing on the Capitol on January 6th, 2021.

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