Do Your Dying Loved Ones Hear Your Last Words

1 year ago
20 As a Spiritual Advisor and Ordained Minister I have been working with people in hospice and their families for many years. My job is to help those who are dying and unconscious to understand the process that they’re going through and to give them peace and remove any fears they may have. For those that are unconscious I communicate with their spirit and most of the time they are already in the spirit world and just waiting for their bodies to shut down. What is helpful in communicating with the unconscious is I’m able to tell their loved ones what they have to say and what they need to hear. One of the main questions I have received from clients over the years is if their loved one heard what they were saying when they were dying. The answer is YES.
Remember I can help you talk to your deceased loved ones directly through my guided journey into spirit.

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