ALEC's 50 Years of Trusted Policy Solutions (Episode 3: Disorder in the Court)

1 year ago

As the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) celebrates its 50th Anniversary, we are excited to share our story of 50 Years of Trusted Policy Solutions.

ALEC debuts the third episode in its 50th anniversary video series, "Disorder in the Court," featuring former Civil Justice Task Force Chairs Mark Behrens and Victor Schwartz, along with Nino Marchese, discussing the impact ALEC’s Civil Justice Task Force has had on legal reform in the states throughout the years.

For decades, ALEC’s Civil Justice Task Force has connected state lawmakers and legal experts to help one another restore fairness and predictability in the domain of civil justice. The Task Force has developed dozens of model policies to protect the legal system from frivolous litigation which cripples businesses’ ability to innovate, employ and engender economic prosperity.  ALEC’s success has helped states restore fairness and justice in their civil justice systems, driving down economic costs from an overly litigious America, making the legal system a better arbiter of the free market economy.

Learn more about ALEC's history of restoring fairness and predictability in civil justice systems:

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