Could COVID be the white horse in Revelation 6 ?

1 year ago

It appears to me that the coronavirus released in 2020 was prophesied by the white horse in the book of revelation chapter 6. The rider is given a corona(crown) and a bow with a toxic arrow. (in original greek manuscript the word is Toxon). The color of this first horse represents the white coats of the doctors and scientists "falsely so called" that led the world to shut down causing immediate in irreparable harm. Then immediately following the coronavirus we had much violence across the Earth as protests over lockdowns, etc. removed peace from the earth (The red horse). Next is the black horse which speaks of inflation and food shortages, and finally the fourth horse, the horse of death famine, and a great war, which seems to be potentially upon us. If this is true, it would lead directly into the time of the mark of the beast. For in this same chapter, when the fifth seal is opened, the many martyrs that come out this great tribulation plead with God to judge the world for their innocent blood that was shed. (These were killed because they refused to take the mark of the beast.) Then finally, the judgment comes upon the earth for those people who who saved their lives, but lost them.

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