Washington state kneels.. Who's next? [THIS WEEK IN TYRANNY] Episode 21

1 year ago

So much for inalienable rights…
The more firearms they take away, the hotter the Fire of Freedom will burn

This Week in Tyranny:
A weekly show about authoritarianism, government overreach, and global injustice. You can find this episode along with all others at The Freedom Current
If tyranny is not at your doorstep, it's because there is someone in the street keeping it at bay.

The most hardcore news program on Earth

Episode 21 – April 29th, 2023
Washington’s Governor Jay Inslee signed a trio of bills meant to prevent gun violence on Tuesday
-one banning the sale of certain semi-automatic rifles,
-one imposing a 10-day waiting period on firearms purchases,
-and one clearing the way for lawsuits against gun makers or sellers in certain cases.

Washington is the 10th state – after California, Hawaii, Illinois and New York – to enact such a law.

Many will put misguided faith in gun rights organizations and their ability to fight this law in the courts. However, the court system is not to be trusted, nor is it quick or efficient enough. Do not count on some judge or supreme court justice determining this ban to be unconstitutional.
Count on resistance.

Washington’s new law prohibits the future sale, distribution, manufacture and import of more than 50 types of guns, including AR- and AK-style rifles. The measure does not bar the possession of the weapons by people who already have them. This may give a false sense of security, or the impression that total disarmament is a distant threat. The threat is actually quite near. In one generation, our current weapons will become unusable if no new weapons and parts can be manufactured and sold.

Yet, America is not up in arms, or even voicing much concern at all. Instead, they talk about Tucker Carlson, elections, transgender athletes, migrants, and so forth. Trivial distractions dominate the collective consciousness.

Such CARElessness, such apathy, could only come from a human species that has alienated the feminine spirit, the motherly essence. Where is the instinct to protect the young? To sacrifice for the family? Men fight for the innocent. The domesticated 2023 Homo Sapiens is something else entirely..

Hosted by Konrad Rogoz
of TruthandLaw.com

#naturallaw #tyranny #news

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