Man With a Penis Not Allowed To Ogle Women Like A Perverted Freak In BC Gym

1 year ago

Another Canadian trans issue has garnered international attention after B.C. mentally ill man with a penis Brigid Klyne-Simpson told local media of being “extremely devastated” after being denied access to a women-only gym. “It was important to me to be in a place that would be, like, explicitly accepting, like, ‘You are a woman, you’re allowed to be here,’” Klyne-Simpson said in an interview. All they want to do is masterbate to women and sexually harass them what is wrong you bigots? The gym in question is Bodyworks Fitness in Parksville, a Vancouver Island community of 14,000 located two hours north of Victoria. After being welcomed as a member, for some odd reason the freak show Klyne-Simpson was told to stick to the gym’s mixed-gender areas and not to use its women-only fitness centre and change rooms. For the main reason they are a man and a gross one to boot.🤮🤮😕

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