Bitter to Better .. Change I to E

1 year ago

[Spiritual or Inspirational Poem Collection] -
A creation to support us reflect on any ‘held’ onto ‘negative thoughts’ within ourselves, which we may benefit from releasing. It is an encouragement to appreciate our experiences and the lessons we have learned and reminding us to trust our ‘own power, intention and creativity’ for healing, appreciation and manifestation.

This is another one of those poems that just ‘pushed itself forward for production and release’ … perhaps it may be of benefit in this significant time of unusual astrological events with full moons and eclipses!! Here’s hoping. Enjoy.

It was written on 30th April 2023 and is part of a grouping that I refer to as 'Spiritual or Inspirational'. This collection contains 'a range of Heart and Soul (Healing) based rhymes'.

Bitter to Better . . Change I to E

Life’s experiences, have you let them be?
Or, have you been bent, and mis-shapen, by your history?
We learn, we grow, it’s not all easy … as you, I and we, well know.
But which parts of a lesson did you choose … or allow, to be held within??
Was it the ‘hurt and the pain’ or the ‘it’s wisdom gain’?
Did it enter your brain and drop to the heart, like a fiery dart?

If so, now is a good time to release. Let it go.
Transmute whatever negative fretful,
worrisome, vengeful, energy lingers.
Give it the two fingers.
Not the ‘f u’ kind, but the peaceful pair.
Bless it.
Consciously, let it on … out of there!
Let peace and love show,
Release and lighten any load!

Remember – emotions are just
‘held’ … ‘mind thought flows’.

So, just imagine this, as being …
and your ‘precious heart’ as
‘rejuvenated and singing’.
Released. Pain and worry free.
Bubbling up, full, with joy and glee.
You are whole.
You are free.
You are healed.
Filled with ecstasy.
Appreciation for each lesson. See?!

Oh, Glory, Glory, Glory Be …
Mindfully happy!
Sometimes it’s going to be … that easy.
Trust me. Trust yourself.
Trust your own ‘Power’, ‘Intention’ and ‘Creativity’.
That’s why the Creator gave them to thee.


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