The Book Of Acts | Pt. 3 - The Miracle Of Suffering | Pastor Jackson Lahmeyer

1 year ago

Acts 1:15-19
Notice who stood up immediately after Jesus ascended to take leadership: Peter
The same Peter that just 40 days ago denied Jesus publically 3 times
There is no doubt that Peter was the leader of the early Church; everytime the disciples are listed it always begins with Peter
Peter will preach the first sermon in church history in Acts 2
Amazing how Peter hit rock bottom but in the process of hitting rock bottom, Peter found out who his real rock
The Bible says that the gifts and calling of God is irrevocable
Too often we Christians eat our own so quickly when one falls instead of restoring
John 21:15-16
Peter denied Jesus 3x
Jesus asked Peter 3x "do you love me?"
Jesus told Peter 3x "take care of my sheep"
In other words, Peter what I originally called you to do I’m still having you do
You might have failed on that Friday night but I didn’t fail.
Now here in Acts 1 - something has changed in Peter

Spiritual Maturity
Peter has matured spiritually in a very short time
Acts 1:16
Peter points out that Judas didn’t derail Gods plan but he helped fulfill it
In the aftermath of evil Peter can see purpose = spiritual maturity
Peter identifies a miracle and a mistake simultaneously
This is also the 1st time Peter quotes Scripture
Not once in the Gospels does Peter quote Scripture; he gives his opinion quickly
Peter recognizes something amazing about the awful situation the disciples faced 40 days previously
Peter says, "It had to happen"
We will even try to tell others why they are going through what they are going through...
Jobs friends did this to him when his life was turned upside down
They said Job must have sinned. Hid said Job was upright and blameless
Ex. The reason your kids are rebelling is because you let them watch disney when they were growing up and now you’re paying for it
Be careful to assign a reason for why something has happened in somebody's life because you really don't know = don’t be like the friends of Job
Often times we will blame the devil and yes there is a real devil out there who comes to steal kill and destroy
But something else we know for the story of Job is that the devil cannot do a single thing unless God allows it
The devil is on God's leash
And Maybe…. it's not always the devil though... maybe it's the decision
I have come to a place in my own life that I don't try to figure out if it's the devil or God who did it because I realize it has to pass through the Hand of God before it ever reaches me
What our series over Genesis really taught me is that God will use other people's bad decisions or the attack from the enemy to get me to my destiny
Joseph said to his brothers = what you meant for evil God intended for good
So which is it? Evil or Good? Both
Why can't it be an attack from the devil that God respurposes to accomplish His plan in my life
John 11:14
They knew Jesus as a healer; now they got the revelation that Jesus is Resurrection
When you are in trouble you don't really need the reason why but a revelation of who God is
Why was this man born blind? Jesus doesn't give a reason but instead a revelation
Many spend countless nights trying to figure out the reason
Today God is setting you free in your mind

Paul & Malta
Paul gets shipwrecked on Malta in Acts 27 & 28
He told them not to go but they didn’t listen
Acts 28:3-4
Islanders say he is a murderer
If he really is a man of God how come he is going through this; he must have done something wrong; sounds like Job’s friends
They drew their own conclusion about the reason he got bit by a snake
Paul gets a captive audience to respond to a snake hitting him
Acts 28:5-6
Paul shook it off
You have to shake off the snakes that bit you and the uniformed words of people against you
Paul didn't argue; he shook it off
Faith doesn't prevent me from getting bit
Faith causes me to shake it off
Faith doesn't prevent me from being thrown in a fire
Faith is what gets me through the fire
Paul was here by mistake
Not only was he shipwrecked but now a snake has bit him
Adversity produces opportunity
The islanders went from he is a murderer to he is a god
The hearts of people are so fickle
Hosanna - Crucify
You cannot judge your circumstances off what other people say or think
Opposition always produces opportunity
No David the King without Goliath the Giant
Opposition of the Goliath that propelled David forward because opposition is opportunity
Shadrach, Meshach & Abednego
Resurrection Sunday
God knows how to use our Giants to propel us into our destiny
People think that when a Giant enters into our life we must be outside the will of God
Facing a Giant or getting bit by a snake does not mean you are out of the center of God’s will
Did God cause this snake to bit Paul or did God allow the snake to bit Paul?
Spend hours upon hours debating
Here’s the answer: we don’t know! But…. God used it.
The same hand that got bit become hand used for healing
Celebrate The Trouble
James 1:2-4

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