Woke Sermon: Journey of Baby Moses in Basket is about About Queer Acceptance

1 year ago

Lutheran Church of the Cross is a Canadian congregation that “affirms and celebrates human diversity in God’s creation.” Led by Lyndon Sayers and Lyle McKenzie, they are an ELCIC (Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada congregation, the canuck version of the ELCA) that is populated by senior citizens, lesbians, and a host of other ragtag goatlings.

During their January 22, 2023 sermon, Divinity Stuent Reba, reveling in a God of her own making, explains that the baby Moses trip in a basket on the Nile river has some queer themes, and is actually about kinship outside of heteronormative family structures, as well as a metephor for the turbulence that trans folk experience at the hands of the church.


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