The world's largest statue of Garuda Vishnu Kencana is located in Bali Indonesia

1 year ago

The world's largest statue of Garuda Vishnu Kencana is located in Bali Indonesia

#bali #BaliIndonesia #Indonesia #GarudaVishnuStatue #GarudaWishnuKencana #LordVishnuStatue

The world's largest statue of Lord Vishnu riding on Garuda Dev in Bali, Indonesia Untold Fact

About This Statue:
Friends, in Bali, Indonesia, a statue of Lord Vishnu has been built which is not only the largest statue in Indonesia but also in the whole world, in which Lord Vishnu is seated on his vehicle Garuda Dev. It took 25 years to build this statue, and the total height, including the base, is about 400 feet, while the height of the statue alone is 246 feet, which is installed on a massive platform. This statue is made of copper, brass, steel, and various alloys, with a total cost of 100 million dollars.

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