How Jesus Healed the Sick — Rick Renner

1 year ago

Through a fascinating study of the gospels and the Greek language, Rick discusses the primary methods by which Jesus healed the sick. To order the series and book offer click SHOW MORE.

Have you desired to lay your hands on the sick and see them be healed? Have you tried to do it but felt disappointed with the results? If that describes you, then we have good news! Many years ago, Rick and Denise Renner felt the same way. So Rick dove into the Gospel to discover how Jesus healed the sick. From that time on, the Renners have seen multitudes of people healed, and now Rick is sharing what they learned in this valuable series How To Heal the Sick.

A classic that was out of print for half a century, was discovered and reedited by Kenneth E. Hagin, D.D., and Roy H. Hicks, D.D. This book profoundly influenced both men early in their respective ministries. They are eager to share the inspired insights into the Greek texts with you.

Why does God heal some people but not others? Do you have questions about divine healing? How does it work? What is required? How much faith is necessary? In The Grace of Healing, pastor, author, and renowned Bible teacher Bob Yandian answers these questions while revealing the missing ingredient to the healing you’ve been praying for — grace!

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