Climate change being used to enrich Bill Gates & for totalitarian control says Robert F. Kennedy, Jr

1 year ago

Is this a genuine change of heart by RFK Jr? Has he changed from his previous position:

Either way it's all theater, it's the UNIPARTY....don't hold out too much hope.

~The Prisoner

“Climate [change]… 
is being exploited by The World Economic Forum (WEF), 
and Bill Gates and… [other] billionaires, 
the same way that COVID-19 
was exploited.” “To use 
[climate change] as an excuse to implement] totalitarian controls on society.” “And then give us engineering solutions.” “If you look… the [people] promoting those… solutions… own the patents for those solutions.” “People now see that 
[climate change] is just another crisis that is being used 
to [steal]… from the poor 
and enrich billionaires.” Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. told Kim Iverson on her show on 26 April 2023. The full interview is posted here:

Source : Larry Hobbs, Fat News

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