The A.P.E. Model and Goal-Oriented Decision Making

1 year ago

The APE model explores how we experience goal-oriented decision making. This includes the role of motivation and the experience of decision making in terms of how we assess, plan, and execute. The model also discusses how experience influences the use of intuition and deliberation.

The foundations of the model as well as the concept of goal-oriented decision making, was derived from research on goal theory, naturalistic decision making, and social cognitive theory.

Research of Note
Bobby Hoffman - Motivation for Learning and Performance
Gary Klein - NDM and The Recognition Primed Decision (RPD) Model
Peter Gollwitzer - Mindset Theory of Action Phases
Gabriele Oettingen - Mental Contrasting
Edwin Locke and Gary Latham - Goal Setting and Task Motivation
Albert Bandura - Social Cognitive Theory
Edmund Husserl - Phenomenology
Edited Book: Decision Making in Action - Models and Methods

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