Channeling Care Consciousness

1 year ago

Regenerate and Rejuvenate with guest Kare

Episode Highlight

Join Leaha Mattinson as she speaks to Kare, an energetic healer about the ITeraCare TeraHertz device, the healing device that has transformed her health.


Constant learning and growing (1.30)

Kare is an energetic healer who lives on Vancouver Island in Canada. Losing her leg in a motorcycle accident in 1987 caused her nerve pain along with balance and spinal issues. When going to a chiropractor didn’t help, she stepped into doing energy work in the early 90s, and was inspired to learn how to do what a biofeedback machine does.

A magic wand (6.31)

In 2016, Kare went in for osseointegration surgery alongside recovering from cancer through chemo. Both those procedures together took a toll on her health and balance, giving rise to intense weekly nerve pain. She has not had a nerve pain incident since she began using the ITeraCare TeraHertz device. She has also since reclaimed her adrenal capacity, regained sensation in her foot, has increased movement after a C4 fracture and noticed age spots fading.

Handheld MedBed (12.02)

As a 62.5-year-old, Kare has begun noticing some balance issues in the shower for which she has been using the ITeraCare TeraHertz device. The device uses a combination of three technologies - quantum, TeraHertz and optical quartz and has a crystal tube in the interior which delivers the TeraHertz frequency, a safe range of light spectrum between microwave and far-infrared rays, which vibrates at the same molecular level as DNA, RNA and proteins.

Taking frequencies to the next step (19.00)

Kare explains that the benefits of the ITeraCare TeraHertz device increase when you complement using it on your body with drinking water that has been radiated using the device. Water treated with the ITeraCare TeraHertz device gets absorbed better, allows for better transportation of nutrients, reduces blood viscosity and helps eliminate toxins, to upgrade your detoxification and provide anti-ageing effects to the skin.

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