this is Misha

1 year ago

this is Misha I am you of another time… the world you know is not at all what you are being. The walk we take is within and we follow a path. I will walk with you and ahead of you and show you the circle the sacred circle of your being. The wonders of your past and present and future are all contained within this walk. First sept to follow and listen as we traverse the trail. We begin by releasing with each step forward the past from which we have come. Only to see the road ahead and its perspective. In the time of my existences in the physical of time and space on the earth the life I enjoyed was of the natives of the southwest, the Anasazi. It is here our shared love of life, nature the animals flourished as the harmony of your soul was beyond the existence of social judgements and pressures by society. It was the freeing of the divine feminie that you held as protector and smother of all the spirits,,, of animals, birds, and the teeming intelligence off earth. The days , the rythmns of your day to day time were of the mind of blessings of balance, ceremony and purpose. The role you chose was that of an emissary to the creatures of the great mother. As representative the emotions you possess are of the instinctual, deep compassionate love that is found through the eyes and touch of another being. The shape shifting ability of the energies are found in your heart. It is when you energy of love is found in the habitat of those beings who guide your heart. Who bring the gift of friendship and companionship and guidance. The Wolf is your brother the strong alpha male to protect your energetic passion for your heritage which is the kingdom of nature within all the elements of this world was for you a time of experiencing the fulfillment of your purpose.
We know and understand the path where we walked as one in this time of red sand great trees and the perfect relationship with the beings experiencing life.. After this first step … your right foot reaches ahead and you are grounded upon the red rock and feel the warmth on your bare feet. Your left foot moves up with your knee and you bring your left leg forward and feel the same red rock hold your foot for a moment as then your right foot proceeds to take a step slightly upward leading towards a river canyon. Here is a trail, it is well worn by you. This is the sacred trail of the mother of the tribe that you have held in this time as Misha for 11 years in this passage out of time and into the bliss of spirit.. This passage of ysour being upon the vision quest was to seek the friends, teachers, guides and loves who have been in your soul and part of your greater being…
Who comes forth first as we make this walk. It is the Fox. A silver fox or a red fox or is it both that run and dart about to welcome you to the sacred circle where you find yourself. Of Fox medicine you know it is always for you this one who leads. It is a game they have played with you to show the joy of life and the play of your purpose. They are fast, intelligent, loving, and lead to first being vibrant and happy.
The next step on the circle leads to the realm of the Bear – When you walk upon the grasses near the caves. The sleeping bear awakes with a growl and anger with a hunger in his belly. You must walk up to the Bear and stand with strength as his growl is loud, strong and overpowering. You must meet the bear on your walk and bring your power of peace and friendship to this gigantic companion.. You may see as I have seen the foxes following and playing with the bear which is a dance of awakening. \
Next the Eagle lands before you and looks you in the Eye. The focus of both eyes look into you to see deep and find any fear or distance from your power. The Eagle is a Golden Eagle with wings that stretch six feet apart. To gain trust of an eagle you spread your arms like I have done and all those who walk with the animal spirits have done. Misha would hold her wings out with the eagle looking eyes to eyes to understand the flight of your soul.. How to see and how to fly above the little problems of life.
Thereupon the walk continues with me as mish as you as the foxes, the Bear, the Eagle follow along on your great sacred circle. Then you see the small river meandering with waterfalls and pools that stream casually down from the Canyon. Upon a pool with a clear mirror below with seven small waterfalls fill this placid resting spot for the waters. Here you sit and listen for the creature who will guide you into touch and memory. Once you sat here and saw the great trees with soft wind of a gentle breeze ripple over essence of life. Of this you wish at this time to be given spirit. To feel the rush of life in the coolness of the water upon your lips. In this experience of tasting and drinking the waters your soul is refilled with lifffffe and the understanding we all in life share the waters.. across the pool a family of deer approach quietly and with grace to speak with you as the drink from the sacred well. The Great Buck with 13 points on both sides to signify great wisdom and protection asks of your quest. Misha of your quest we see the sacred circle and the path as always the same.. It is the delight of the movement, from here to there, to enjoying the fields of grass and forests of rain and snow. The natural world is home and where you meet the Deer there is sincerity and kindness as well and great power and abundance. In this moment in the sacred circle the world becomes one and within the family of deer it is their purpose to bring the heart to see. To know the long trail of life always returns to the pool for refreshment.

The walk continues , refreshed and feeling the energy of fire as you begin to ascend up above the river on the grand canyon trail. There is a picture in your mind of the next one you will see here on this path of a timeless journey, a quest. Still the quest is not found, it is not known, it is a mystery and each step brings an expectation of what will come… In your heart in this step on the sacred trail you stop and listen as silence is peace and only the birds are singing.
A moment in the path of uncertainty. Misha feels upon the Great Mesa where the world is different than below at the beginning of the trail It is a sandy trail and flat with pinon pines sprouting and rocky outcrops of hard white grey speckled granite. Looking up a Mountain Lion roars unespectedly and pounces down in front of Misha – stopping her in her path. It speaks as a Lion with force and inspection.
It is known that in the days past the other great mothers have all spoken with the Lion and many have returned from this encounter without passage on the great circle. Their favor was undone as without the blessing of the Lion the Tribe will fall. The lesson of this moment for Misha was known to be the threshold between life and death.. For if the heart is weak the inner fear, the inner shadow will destroy the spirit of friendship.
Misha proceeded to kneel and face the lion to feel his hot breath and energy as Misha slowly entrains to the lion without making fast moves and shaking in fear. Will the lion force her back to the tribe for being weak and honors safety over courage. Will Misha be clawed to death or scarred beyond recognition of her beauty and sent isn disgrace to live a meaningless life. The Lion does not wait and spoke again what is your quest and why have you come here. This the point of power and it is not of conflict nor anger or power it is to demand the courage of your mind to become your highest being …… and to be friends.. It is when upon at this moment the Lion pushed his nose to Misha’s face and moved around her with his tail trailing in embrace to agree that the quest is friendship and that his duty is to protect her walk from anything that would stop or divert her path.

The lion leads misha – along the trail and before it there are Vultures feeding off the carrion of a dead animal who was fallen from age, disease or conflict. Its body was decayed and the Vultures had circled the body of this beast who ‘s spirit had departed. A vulture spoke in a gravel voice to Misha as she walked past. It said, do not look away from death it is not that you are in fear of us it is you are known to be one with us. We come from the Sky and purify the land, we bring life back from the dead. We are spirits of the living beyond their deaths. You may think we are evil and enjoy the passage of our food in demise yet it is entirely different. We are the death walkers who bring the life back.

Looking more closely misha saw ants, small creatures following each other in a trail leading to the deceased body. Transforming the cells into sand from the tissues and bringing the essence of its being .
There words of ants called misha to listen and see the world close to the ground with the earth as their protector. They spoke with a wisdom of a million centuries. Misha we have always been in service of the great mother to bring life to the world,, to make it green with beauty and red sand with warmth. To watch the flowers grow from seed to color the sky. In between all spaces we exist and we know the smallest of things that your life has walked.. You walk upon our ground, it is our land you follow this trail. It is asked again what is your quest. What are you looking for.. What do you walk on our land.
The question must be answered .
Why do your feet stomp and push your toes into our sand and say this is mine. It is not yours. You do not own this trail of tears. This world is not yours to own. It is clear you have lost your family and we shall not allow you to pass until you can answer this question with every fiber of your being or you will be as the beast you see here without essence of unity. Ants represent unity and we walk with each other and follow the paths of our ancestors. How as insects you see us as lesser yet we own the land you walk upon and it has always been thus. Your ownership is of your purpose and if your purpose is friendship then you may pass if it is not then you shall not go further.
With new understanding and feeling of desire for light and warmth of nature your eyes see the ascending path towards a white mountain spanning the horizon. There through by deep green eyes we see upon the passage of the trail is a friend who does not conform to this reality. We step forward to walk up to this shifting image of a eing obed then with wings and great feathers like an eagle standing talleer and lookingng up into its gaze towards the stars. This great eage of golden white and rich brown with fertile wings and strongest of the spirits to fly . The eagles mind isss sees all, knows anlol and can swoop down upon the earth into the sea and glide above the clulds … I am your spirit … stand before me being the eagle speaks. You are to arize with me and ascend with the blue fire of your inner heart for exaltation and experience of universal vision.. It is this way of awakening that brings intelligence with compassion. I will lift you into the sky as a parent holds their off spring in the nest until they are ready to fly. You are ready to fly. In that instants the uplifting of misha was into the shape of the eagle and her smilethrough her breath became the eagle and rose into the clearest of blue aqua sky. The joy bliss enlightenment expression,, energy, freedom, power … feeling the soaring eagle’s body as one ineveryway seeing from above the world of small things but clear and sharp with knowledge of each locaton.. There upon the tallest tree in the forest a fivethousand yrs old Redwood tree harkens your landing.. It is here upon the great mountain you have flown into the brrreezes above the deep canyons over the history of the worlds and higher and higher you ascending until you see beyond the great mountain. The Eagle soars to see above the pinnacle and upon the other side facing the western setting sun and the spiriti of earth feeling through her warters, oceans lakes rivers pools and streams you feel the blood and breathe the air of her spirit perched now upon the great est tree in the most beautifull valley of the meandering rivers moving off in every direction.

Eagle spirit is quiet in exaltation feeling the grounding of the redwood with deep roots into rock and soil. It is in this shape as regal royal visionary and the King of the dominion of air and aether the eagle as you opens its wings and glides down from the mountain with its eyes entrained upon your body entrained upon the rock awaiting the spirit of the eagle and see within the eagle’s eye your motionlessness.. The strongest fastest and spirit driven beings glides with great speed as its suddenly opens its wings and with and poof disappears through misha …….with the message given is in lak tech I am within you..

Before thinking feeling knowing misha felts in every cell the eagle spirit enliven and give her the experience of the greatest height every known,floating and flying, gliding.

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