There is an appointed end (The tenant farmers Matthew 21:33-45, Mark 12:1-12)

1 year ago

There is an appointed end (The tenant farmers Matthew 21:33-45, Mark 12:1-12)
Do you know what most people look forward to the most about their workday? Quitting time. That’s right, most people look forward to the time of day when they get to go home and start their personal time. Knowing that there is an appointed end to the workday makes it a little easier to swallow and gives us something to look forward to. This works great for us when it comes to the end of the workday, but we feel the exact opposite about the fact that is an appointed end to all our lives. We do not know when it is, where it will happen, but we all know that we have a day in the future where this life ends, and eternity begins. The tenant farmers lived their lives as if they were getting away with steeling what belong to another man, but Jesus makes clear that one day the owner is coming, and that justice will come with Him. The world wants us to live our lives as if we are never going to leave this world via the grave and to never think about what happens when that moment comes. The less we think about the end the more we can enjoy our best life now and indulge in what ever we desire. The problem is that this is the lie of the enemy, Hebrews 9:27 says that we are all appointed once to die and then to be judged by God.
Consciences of our mortality is a good thing because it causes us to ask the tough questions, like what happens after this life? It makes us take long looks in the mirror and question our motives in life and our relationship with the creator. The tenant farmers probably had hopes and dreams that they would get away with this plot and never face the wrath of the landowner and you may be thinking the same thing today. “I will be ok,” “my good will outweigh my bad,” “there is no God to answer to,” or even “a loving God would never send anyone to hell.” The truth of the matter is this, you will die, and you will stand before God in judgment. The only hope that any of us have in escaping the wrath of God, is to have accepted Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. Jesus came and shed His innocent His blood to cover the cost of the sins that we committed, all we must do to escape the judgment is to repent (turn from our sins) and make Jesus the Lord of our life. Knowing that there is an end to this life is only scary if you do not know where you will be spending eternity when you depart from it. Have peace in knowing that those who entrust their faith in Jesus Christ will never have to fear death, hell, or the grave. We have victory.

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