THE ARTIFICE GIRL Movie Trailer 2023

1 year ago

THE ARTIFICE GIRL Movie Trailer 2023
A team of special agents discovers a revolutionary new computer program to bait and trap online predators. After teaming up with the program's troubled developer, they soon find that the AI is rapidly advancing beyond its original purpose.

*A really well crafted and acted film.*

#technology #scifi #mystery #thriller

Franklin Ritch
Franklin Ritch
Tatum Matthews
Franklin Ritch
Lance Henriksen
Sinda Nichols

About Maphunkson:
Artist, Comic Book Creator, Writer, hailing from beautiful Whangarei, New Zealand.

Keep both eyes out for my upcoming comic books.

All round nutcase here's where you can find me...

Article 19 - Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.

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