How Berlin wants to compete with China's Silk Road with its "Global Gateway" project

1 year ago

How Berlin wants to compete with China's Silk Road with its "Global Gateway" project

By Max Biederbeck-Kettterer, Rüdiger Kiani-Kreß

Berlin wants to push EU infrastructure projects worldwide in competition with China’s New Silk Road. The EU’s billion-euro project for this has been bobbing along unsuccessfully for a year.

The EU’s second major project to compete with China’s New Silk Road is already threatening to fail.

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The Global Gateway project was officially launched about a year ago; it aims to provide 300 billion euros for European infrastructure projects around the world to displace Chinese projects.

However, virtually nothing has come of Global Gateway in the past twelve months – due to internal friction in Brussels, they say, but also because the EU’s response to the Ukraine war has “tied up all capacities.”

Commentators speak of a “bluff worth billions”.

Now, however, the German government is urging that the project finally be breathed into life; it is “an important geopolitical instrument” that is “of great importance for strengthening the … influence of the EU,” according to a letter from several federal ministers to the EU Commission.

Berlin proposes, for example, that lithium mining near Valjevo (Serbia) be pushed forward – to benefit battery production in Europe.

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