High Quality Radio Recordings | Those Were The Days | Saturday, December 29th 1979

1 year ago

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Chuck Schaden starts at 7:00


RED SKELTON SHOW (12-26-51) Red appears
as Clem Kadiddlehopper and as Junior, the
mean little kid. Junior's mother tells him to
work on his New Year's resolutions. Lurene
Tuttle co-stars s Clem's qirlfriend Daisy June
and as Junior's mother. Norge Appliances,
CBS. {6:45; 12:45; 10:35)

EDDIE CANTOR SHOW ({1.3-45) A flashback
W New Year's Eve as we find Eddie and the
gang putting on a special show for the boys at
the Hollywood Canteen. Guest Eddie
“Rochester” Anderson Joins regulars Nora
Martin, Leonard Seuss, Harry Von Zell and Bert
Gordon, the “Msd Russian.” Sal l|iepatica,
Ipana, NBC. (9:10; 9:10; 11.30)

GUEST STAR (1950s) Actress Joan Leslie
stars in “Time Is Sacred,” a romantic story
for New Year's eve. Costar is Barton
Yarborough. David Rose and the Orchestra
also appear in this promotional program for
the U.S. Tigasuiy Department. Transcribed,
syndicated. (14:06)

KRAFT MUSIC HALL (1-1-48) Al Jolson
opens the music hall for the first rime in the
new year 1948 10 play host to actress Madeline
Carroll and regulers Oscer Levant, Ken
Carpenter and Lou Bring and the Orchestra.
Kraft Faods, NBC. {8:45; 10:55; 9:45)

SUSPENSC {12-28-58) “'The 32nd of Decen-
ber" starring Frank Lovejoy as a man who buys
2 most unusual antique clock...one with the
ability to control time! C8S. (10:10;9:00)
MEL BLANC SHOW {12:31-46) Mol and the
gang ring out the old year with thc Pageant of
1946 as presented for the Loyal Order of Bena-
volent Zebras Lodge. Cast includes Hans
Conried, Joe Kearns, Mary Jane Croft, Earl
Ross and the Sportsmen Uuartet. Colgate
Tooth Powder, CBS. (10:15; 14:05)

JACK BENNY PROGRAM {12-28-41) Jack and
the gang present their annual New Year's play,
““The New Tenant'’ featuring Jack as the Old
Yeer, Mary Livingstone as Columbia, Phii
Harris as Uncle Sam and Don Wilson as Texas.
Jell-0, NBC. (14:45; 8:40)

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