What if's, Trump cares act and more what if's.

1 year ago

The CARES Act.
signed 3/27/2020
Prepared 1/24/2019
Wuhan announcement 12/31/2019?

But hold on, that means he...nah, hang on! but why..I'm confused!
Don't be, see it, accept it, admit it, get pissed, get over and move forward past him and lead you for the 1st time.

I wish you luck.

Much L❤ve


They all the same back story, connections, family links etc, Trump serves above the table, but still he is bound by oath and covenant to serve as are his bloodline. It's all here, the basics to find more, my advice, this'll do.

‘It’s absolutely dire’: why UK chicken farmers want to call it a day.

Ethical concerns as scientists in US develop mind-reading technology.

Powerful AI systems 'can't be controlled' and 'are already causing harm', says UK expert.

Tucker Carlson..Wikipedia: He's a man of the people right?
No privilege or bloodline connections here, definitely not a lifer of the system.


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