The Great Australian Bee Massacre: Government KILLS 500 Million Bees & POISONS Untold More In Wild

1 year ago

They are intentionally doing this and jabbing them too. they are doing this with all our food supply. they created a task force to help them. evil

Stop The Bee Poisoning! More Beekeepers Speak Out Against Fipronil & NSW's Senseless Bee Genocide

They have an alternative

Great news for bees – time to say goodbye to fipronil! #SOSbees

Biosecurity (Varroa Mite) Emergency Order 2022.pdf

Wild European Honey Bee Management Program

European foulbrood and its control

The Federal Government Now Has an Official Save-the-Bees Task Force created

The Problem with Fipronil

Fears for bees as US set to extend use of toxic pesticides that paralyze insects

EPA Prepares to Approve Bee-Killing Pesticides for 15 More Years
The EPA is widely expected to confirm a proposed plan outlined last year that will extend the use of imidacloprid, thiamethoxam, clothianidin and dinotefuran on US farmland for the next 15 years, even though the agency has noted “ecological risks of concern, particularly to pollinators and aquatic invertebrates.”

EPA Actions to Protect Pollinators | US EPA
Jul 20, 2022EPA-registered Pesticide Products Approved for Use Against Varroa Mites in Bee Hives.
Developing new bee exposure and effect testing priorities for the registration of new pesticides, new pesticide uses, and registration review of existing pesticides. Guidance on Exposure and Effects Testing for Assessing Risks to Bees.

EPA Proposes to Reapprove Bee-killing Pesticides With Token Restrictions

The problem with fipronil
Fipronil is widely used as a broad-spectrum insecticide that acts on the central nervous system to control pests.
According to entomologist Dr. Reed Johnson, fipronil is highly toxic to bees (LD50 = 4 ng/bee), blocking GABA, the primary inhibitory compound in the central nervous system, thus causing hyperexcitation and eventual death (Johnson 2015).

Fipronil is being used as a non-EPA approved substance in the beekeeping industry to control in-hive SHB infestations.
Research shows Fipronil has lethal and sublethal effects on honeybees, impairing drone and queen fecundity and colony collapse (Kairo et al. 2018, Holder et al. 2018).

Research conducted by Kairo et al. placed drones in colonies that were fed either sugar syrup or fipronil (1 µg·L-1) contaminated syrup in small time intervals for 20 days. After 20 days,
sexually mature drones were removed from exposed colonies and their semen was collected for quality assessment (spermatozoa concentration, spermatozoa mortality rate, reducing potential, ATP content).
Queens were then artificially inseminated with the semen from control or exposed drones.

Experimental findings did not detect observable amounts of fipronil or associated metabolites in chemical analysis.
Individual assessment of worker and drone survival did not appear to be negatively affected by exposure.
These results are likely due to low levels of fipronil exposure.
Behavioral effects are only observed at concentrations greater than 1 µg·L-1. Fipronil exposure decreases total spermatozoa concentration, increases spermatozoa mortality rate
(Figure 2AB), and alters cellular function resulting in physiological disruptions, oxidative stress and reduced fecundity (Figure 2CD).
Queens inseminated with fipronil exposed drones stored fewer spermatozoa with higher levels of dead spermatozoa compared to the control (Figure 3BD).
These results indicate impaired fecundity in queens indirectly exposed to fipronil.

Fipronil: environmental fate, ecotoxicology, and human health concerns

Insights into the toxicity and biodegradation of fipronil in contaminated environment

What's killing the bees?

5g is also killing them.

Killing Tens of Millions of Bees to Save Its Honey Industry

The Government is KILLING Millions of Our Bees!

Government breaks promise to maintain ban on bee-harming pesticides

Fipronil is a common pesticide used in agriculture and sparked an international food scandal last summer because the toxic substance was used illegally in chicken stables, contaminating eggs and eggs derivatives. So far, 26 European countries and 23 non-EU countries —
in total 49 countries — have been affected.
The extent of the contamination shows how our food and agriculture system is broken.
It’s time to leave toxic substances behind and rethink the food we eat and produce.

original found on Tim truth

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