The Internationale - new lyrics

1 year ago

The Internationale with lyrics by Ken Meyercord (

Awake you dreamers from your slumber
Behold a glorious new morn
Though the cannons roar and thunder
Bloody lines of battle be drawn
War eternal need not be our fate
Nor scare-mongers orders to obey
Through storm clouds darkened by drummed up hate
There dawns a bright and hopeful day

Come all you folk good-hearted
Meld your voices in joyous song
By fractious rifts not parted
We are a mighty throng
Our chorus universal
Shrill cries of war displace
We sing The Internationale
To unite the human race

Let creeds diverse, traditions age-old
Not bar our global unity
To fight cruel wrongs is our noble goal
From mass slaughter to poverty
The smug militarist’s “Might makes right”
Chauvinism’s false vanity
And greed indifferent to the hungry’s plight
We belie with our humanity

One people of varying radiant hue
One blessed earthly home we share
One common future we pursue
To show to all compassionate care
We strive for the end of history
We dream of a new beginning
Rejoicing over our victory
We’ll march to our sweet anthem, singing

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