Gain Confidence Through Bold Action | @cartwright.morris #menareforged

1 year ago

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Many of us are waiting for success to bring us confidence, but the key to gaining confidence is taking bold actions. Boldness is different from confidence in that it is an action, usually taken when fear is present. The best way to gain confidence is to push past our fears and act boldly, even if we fail. Doing so will give us confidence in areas we didn't have before.

Want to gain confidence before success? Start by making bold decisions and pushing past fear. Competence is not found in the comfort zone, so go be bold! #confidence #boldness #fear

"How do you gain confidence
before success?
Many of us
are waiting around
hoping that
one day
will be successful
then we'll feel confident
But the thing
about confidence
it's about gaining ground
the number #1 thing
to do right now
make bold decisions
What's the difference
boldness and confidence?
What I mean is
confidence is mindset
You have
that personal belief
in yourself
and you start having
those mindset approaches
when you walk in any situation
and you find confidence
boldness is just the action
It usually happens
when fear
is more present
than confidence
Today, I just say
the #1 thing
to do
right now is just
go be bold
Push past that fear
Confidence is not found
in the comfort zone
of your life
But whether
you end up
from acting boldly
you have gained ground
and you have found
in that area
that you didn't have before"

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