POLL: Americans fault media for dividing nation

1 year ago

When examining the influence of news media on democracy and political polarization in the United States, a majority of Americans express the view that it is causing more harm than good.

According to a recent survey conducted by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research and Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights, nearly three-quarters of U.S. adults believe that the news media is exacerbating political polarization within the country.

Additionally, just under half of the respondents indicate having little to no trust in the media’s ability to deliver news in a fair and accurate manner.

The survey, released ahead of World Press Freedom Day, highlights the significant concerns among Americans regarding misinformation, the Associated Press reported.

"Nearly three-quarters of Americans blame media for dividing nation, poll says"
READ MORE: https://apnews.com/article/poll-misinformation-polarization-coronavirus-media-d56a25fd8dfd9abe1389b56d7e82b873

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