Fear Is the Mind Killer

1 year ago

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Arizona Congressman Andy Biggs says he was just on a conference call with executives from counties on the Mexican border who were just briefed by Border PatroL and they said there are 700,000 to a million migrants prepared to invade the US as soon as Title 42 expires and that the Border Patrol is not prepared for it. But of course, merely talking about this makes you a domestic terrorist, according to the Biden Regime.

Ben Bergquam and Michael Yon have been reporting from the Darien Gap in Panama and they report that the US Federal Government is behind this well-organized operation, which he calls "weaponized migration," that is being used to change the US demographic. He says, "There's a program between Costa Rica and Panama called Controlled Flow, which was brokered by the United States. It makes for migrants to move through Costa Rica in a more or less orderly fashion."

Department of Homeland Security Mayorkas visited the Darien Gap camp on April 11, where he met with Panamanian leaders – allegedly to discuss ways to curb the migration flow. But Yon says that the motive for the trip was the opposite: "Mayorkas has intentionally increased the size of the Darien Gap camp. He's not shutting it down, like some fake reports in the media. They are actually clearing land to expand the camps. I've seen the trailers and the brand-new bunk beds myself."

Your government is using your tax dollars to ship these migrants all over the country and there are many NGOs making a lot of money off of this business. The newest NGO in this racket was created by former Presidents Barack Obama, George W Bush, and Bill Clinton, who have joined forces with Joe Biden, as well as multinational bankers and corporations to fly 3rd world migrants into the United States, forming an open-borders NGO under the banner of "Welcome.US".

Welcome.US was founded in September of 2021 with backing from Joe Biden to fly Afghan migrants into the United States by the tens of thousands. Founded by former Obama, Bush, and Clinton officials, the trio of former Presidents was named to leading roles in the NGO, which has formed partnerships with the likes of American Express, Wal-Mart, and more to give cash backing to the open-borders scheme.

In addition to its ties to multinational bankers and corporations, Welcome.US is linked to globalist billionaire George Soros, with board members of his Open Society Foundation collaborating with Welcome.US to form a "National Welcome Council," to "welcome" the migrants into the United States. Though its initial focus was on bringing Afghans into America, now, Welcome.US has teamed up with another NGO, Miles4Migrants, to ferry 3rd world migrants from Cuba, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Haiti, and Ukraine into the United States and plan to plant them in American communities.

In addition to illegal migrants from Latin America, fighting-age Chinese nationals have been streaming into the US at a record pace. Michael Yon says he interviewed a Chinese man who said he had tried to get into Florida by buying a boat in the Bahamas. He paid 5,000 dollars for it but ran out of gas and was picked up by the U.S. Coast Guard. The Bahamians deported him back to China, but he got off the plane in Cuba and then went to Quito, Ecuador. Then to the Darien Gap."

The Mexican crime cartels are actually advertising their coyote services to the Chinese market!

We are in the middle of a world-changing war right now. It is the war of every government against its own population and every international institution against free humanity. And the craziest part of it is that most of the victims of this warfare don’t realize that this is war, nor do they understand that they are combatants in it. This is fifth-generation warfare. Here’s a quick refresher on 5th generation warfare by James Corbett.

As James Corbett says, 5th-Generation Warfare is all-out war being waged against all of us by our governments and the international organizations to which they belong. It is being waged against each and every one of us right now, and it is a battle for full-spectrum dominance over every single aspect of your life: your movements and interactions, your transactions, even your innermost thoughts and feelings and desires. Governments the world over are working with corporations to leverage technology to control you down to the genomic level, and they will not stop until each and every person who resists them is subdued or eliminated.

Having an actor wearing a $40,000 latex mask pretending to be your brain-dead, pedophile president, in collusion with members of the federal government, completely deprecating the office of the presidency and deprecating your country on the world stage, this is a creative form of 5th Generational Warfare. By the way, a good friend of mine knows a woman who makes these $40,000 masks and she looked at that video and said that this is 100% how her latex masks behave when you scratch them, especially if the latex is covering hair and not a stickier surface, like skin.

Fox News firing Tucker Carlson was 5th Generation Warfare.

Having a US Congresswoman-slash-social media influencer post endless quantities of inane videos to her millions of followers, denigrating her office and showcasing her extremely low IQ is also 5th Generation Warfare.

According to Megyn Kelly and her sources, Tucker has not actually been fired by FOX NEWS. He has been put into a sort of limbo where he is still technically under contract. This means Tucker can't go anywhere else until they have worked out an exit deal.

The Epoch Times reported Thursday that the first video message posted on Twitter by Tucker Carlson after his departure from Fox has netted some 19 million views and 60 million impressions in less than 24 hours, highlighting Carlson's influence and popularity. Tucker tweeted the clip at 8PM Eastern time on Wednesday, the same time as his former Fox News show, and did not address any speculation around his departure. He also did not explain why he left the company.

Tucker Carlson had been revealing this 5th Generation Warfare to his vast audience and this is why they fired him.

One of the purest forms of 5th Generational Warfare imaginable is the FBI calling everyday Americans "domestic terrorists".

Edward Dowd, financial analyst and author of the book, 'Cause Unknown' has been looking at the data from actuarial professionals and from the insurance industry and he says that conservatively, that the latest figures for US casualties are 30 million Americans who have either been killed, disabled or made chronically-ill from the clot shot, which is roughly 10% of the country's population and 30% of the country's workforce.

Yet, the vaxx continues to be pushed by the Government and as a result, by the medical community, so this trend will only get worse until the vaxx is stopped. Ed Dowd believes that the original plan behind the whole COVID PSYOP was to introduce a control system, due to the imminent global economic system collapse, which he says is inevitable. He says we're going to see a global sovereign debt crisis and all of the pension funds will go bankrupt and that the social contract has been utterly broken.He says that the original plan has been thwarted to some degree – or at least temporarily – but that the next thing the Globalists are going to do is to try to implement is the programmable Central Bank Digital Currency, in addition to kinetic wars.

He says Warren Buffett just announced that he sold all of his semiconductor stocks due to his concerns about an impending war with China over Taiwan (~80% of all semiconductors are now made in Taiwan). So, if the Oracle of Omaha says something like that, he might be onto something. The current global monetary system with the US dollar as the world reserve currency is coming to an end and this is causing economic tailspins and upheavals all over the world, as well as the rise of the BRICS alliance, which we'll get into a bit more later and there are now more rumors about another plandemic using a weaponized Marburg virus

Last year, attorney, Todd Callender, who has been defending US servicemen against the vaxx mandates discussed the upcoming release of the Marburg pathogen, which he believed would be the excuse used to force the unvaxxed into FEMA quarantine camps, where they will be administered the death shot.

Callender cited the Department of Health and Human Service's December 2020 Notice of Declaration Under the PREP Act for Countermeasures Against Marburg Disease. This Marburg Provision allows for additional spending, when invoked and it's already been invoked, meaning they've already spent the money under the HHS Enabling Statute to build quarantine camps, among other things, throughout the United States.

And if we've learned anything from the many iterations of Event 201 and the SPARS document, such declarations and drills can definitely indicate that we will be seeing the rollout of what they're declaring and training for.

Todd Callender's team recently examined the oaths of office of all of the Biden appointees and found that they are ALL botched. He says the consequences of this is that every act that they did is void, as if they never happened.

Are there any acts by Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin that you would like to see voided? Such as vaccine mandates for military members? Or illegal wars not approved by Congress? How about Attorney General Merrick Garland? Is there anything he’s done that you’d like to see voided?

Look at this picture with Secretary Austin and those troops all wearing the plexiglas masks, all for a lie. This whole thing is not just an exercise in genocide but it's one of humiliation and self-denigration and total abjection and defeat over complete BS.

This is why all the other countries with their people in Sudan have rescued them and flown them out – and why the US has 16,000 citizens there, who the're telling to "shelter in place", just like they did with Afghanistan! This is 5th generation warfare!

Anyway, Todd's team has now filed a Quo Warranto Writ with the US Attorney of Washington DC to challenge them to prove these bureaucrats' right to hold public office.

So, it is very unnerving that our government committed genocide against their own people, that they coordinated to crash the global economy and that they are dismantling the institutions that once protected our rights, while calling everyday people "domestic terrorists" and while shoving this diabolical pedophile, bug-eating, anti-human agenda down our throats and are now threatening us with an imminent biological attack of organ-melting Marburg disease.

It is very unnerving that that the global monetary system of the US dollar as the world reserve currency is coming to an end and that the majority of the world's nations are joining the BRICS alliance in order to reject the the US dollar and that we are teetering on the precipice of nuclear war with Russia.

All of these terrifying things that we're seeing are the signs that this is the end of an era and that we're moving into a new epoch, on the order of the shift from the pre-historic to the historic, from the Pleistocene to the Holocene and from the Piscean to the Aquarian ages.

As Jim Willie was telling Nino Rodriguez the other day, although the Globalists are trying to bring humanity to its knees, they're not ready for the rise of all the alternative energy technologies that they've been suppressing for the past century; the Tesla intellectual properties, the hydrogen cars, etc, etc.

This latest piece from Greg Reese is so true. Fear is the mindkiller. The only thing we have to fear is fear, itself.

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