
1 year ago

Sheep are something mentioned and spoken about from the Bible quiet a lot as a comparison with people. Then again goats are also mentioned and not really spoken about a whole lot...

In Leviticus we have the Azazel goat. Two goats were brought in for sacrifice on the day of Atonement, one to be killed and it's blood to represent the sins of the people. Then the blood would be poured out onto the second goat and the goat would then be turned loose into the wilderness to be with Azazel...

Jesus spoke about one day separating the sheep from the goats during His second coming. He would place the sheep to His right side, and then the goats to the left of Him.

Then we also have what is known as a Judas goat. This is a goat that is placed inside with the herd of sheep and he earns their trust and begins to become their leader. Then the doors are opened and this goat leads the sheep into the slaughter house... This is the way it is when we look to false prophets and teachers. As we hang on every word they say, eventually their false teachings and words will lead us to be slaughtered...

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