Pirates of The Galaxy - Episode 9

1 year ago

Pirates of The Galaxy - Episode 9 Connor has been taken off-planet by the ogre army in revenge for the death of Viking Ogre. Watch this video to find out what happens next and how Connor will be able to reclaim his freedom and defeat the ogres! In this video, we will explore the thrilling story of Connor's battle with the ogres and learn how he uses his special powers to outsmart them. Tune in now to find out if Connor can make it back home safely!

- The Host of Paranormal Highway: Eric Wood
- Best Friend: Connor Flynn: Bigfoot Anon
- Bigfoot: Anthony From UNIDENTIFIED-S4
- Lavender Alien: Eric Wood
- Gabriel The Archangel: Ron (Cosmic Neighbors)
- Ninjo - Ron (Cosmic Neighbors
- Davy Jones: Mike from (Long Island Bigfoot)
- PurpleBeard: Rob from (Bigfoot Michigan Rob)
- Alien girls in bed with Connor: Casual Conversation with G&A
- Ogre Army - Eric Wood

Become A Paranormal Highway Channel Member - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCp7E22EIYxUG3GTWRli8lZw/join

Subscribe To Paranormal Highway:
Subscribe To Bigfoot Anon: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvcN_fkxz1wtjgwibEtF6qQ/featured
Subscribe To UNIDENTIFIED-S4: https://www.youtube.com/c/UNIDENTIFIEDS4
Subscribe To Cosmic Neighbors: https://www.youtube.com/c/CosmicNeighbors
Subscribe To Bigfoot Michigan Rob: https://www.youtube.com/@BigfootMichiganRob
Subscribe To Casual Conversation with G&A: https://www.youtube.com/@UCnJ5WrSCWRgToFZXrvMHKpQ
Subscribe To Long Island Bigfoot: https://www.youtube.com/@UCw57epq7buw2L5N0v3ET8GA

Directed by: Eric Wood
Story by: Eric Wood
Screenplay by: Eric Wood
Executive Producer: Eric Wood & Anthony Esemplare
Casting By: Eric Wood
Visual Effects by: rahulkumar4567

If You Want To Help Out With The series:
PayPal - PayPal - https://paypal.me/skywood6?country.x=US&locale.x=en_US*
$20 Dollars - Producer Credit
$50 Dollars - A Line In The Cartoon
$100 Dollars - A Main Character Created With Your Voice Over

Ways to Support!
* PayPal - https://paypal.me/skywood6?country.x=US&locale.x=en_US*
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* Coinbase/Bitcoin - https://www.coinbase.com/join/wood_0v
* TeeSpring - https://paranormal-highway.creator-spring.com

Ways to Follow!
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Ways to Contact!
* Email - ParanormalHighway13@gmail.com
* Address - Upon Request

* Thumbnail - Eric Wood

Paranormal Highway Productions
#Bigfoot #ParanormalHighway #Cartoon

Please watch Playlist: Paranormal Cartoon 'Journey Into The Unknown'

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