Help Wake Up Others Nesara/Gesara

1 year ago

Help me help you help me help you wake up others.

Are you having a hard time sharing Nesara/Gesara with others and the coming global currency reset?

There is a saying that goes "keep it simple stupid" (kiss). If you over sell something, you do just that, you oversell it. When sharing things with others the best approach is to keep it as simple as possible.

I've been able to wake others up about the coming global currency reset by helping them put things in the right perspective with informationin that they already know.

Rather than trying to explain everything that those of us that are awake know about the GCR, it's best to use a simple approach of explaining the most basic things about it and how they can benefit when the GCR is activated.

Comment about something that you would like help with in explaining to others. Be sure to follow me so that you can be notified when the ebook is ready.

I invite you to visit my website to verify who I am and see the motivational and self-help books that I have available.

The storm is here. Let's be sure to help as many people as we can be prepared for it.


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