Thucydides' Trap in the 21st Century Can America and China Escape Thucydides' Trap

1 year ago

Thucydides' Trap is a concept that explains how the rise of a new power can lead to conflict with an established power. In this video, the topic is explored in the context of modern-day international relations between the United States and China. Harvard professor Graham Allison's book "Destined for War: Can America and China Escape Thucydides's Trap?" is discussed, along with historical examples of the concept, such as the rivalry between Britain and Germany leading up to World War I, and the Cold War between the US and the Soviet Union. The video also explores the viewpoints of scholars who argue that Thucydides' Trap is not a law of history but rather a useful framework for analyzing complex dynamics, and those who argue that diplomacy and cooperation can prevent conflict. The video concludes by highlighting the importance of understanding the dynamics at play and working towards diplomatic solutions to prevent conflict

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