how remote viewing works april 30

1 year ago

Remote viewing is a psychic phenomenon that allows a person to gather information about a distant or unseen target through extrasensory perception (ESP). It involves using the mind to visualize and perceive events, objects, or people that are located beyond the range of the normal senses. In essence, remote viewing is a technique that enables one to access information about a target using only their mind.

The process of remote viewing involves several steps, including relaxation, meditation, and visualization. The remote viewer typically enters a state of altered consciousness, in which they can tap into their intuition and connect with the target. They may use various tools to aid in the process, such as diagrams, maps, or photographs.

During the remote viewing session, the viewer attempts to gather as much information as possible about the target, such as its location, appearance, and other details. This information is recorded and analyzed, often with the assistance of a trained facilitator or analyst.

Remote viewing has been studied extensively by scientists and researchers, and has been used for a variety of purposes, including military intelligence gathering and scientific research. While there is still much debate surrounding the validity and reliability of remote viewing, many people believe it to be a valuable tool for gaining insights into the unknown.
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