Working on middle splits & want to become more flexible?

1 year ago

The Smoothie Diet: 21 Day Rapid Weight Loss Program-

Ikaria Juice link-

Working on middle splits & want to become more flexible? Try this little routine 🫶🏻 All you need is 10 minutes. Remember that consistency is key.
ps: middle splits isn't accessible for all bodies, it actually depends on the shape of your bones but hip openers have many more benefits 🤍

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🇫🇷 Rejoins mon studio en ligne et pratique avec moi d'où tu veux, à ton rythme avec 150+ cours thématiques, des événements exclusifs, une bibliothèque de drills ou encore des programmes souplesse & inversions.
🇬🇧 Join The Softness of Flexibility Program or the Flexibility Program & uncover your flexibility with softness and poetry. 🤍
🇬🇧 Join the Flexibility Routines Program. Six 30-min routines to develop your flexibility with yoga 🤍

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