You know the moments you feel like giving up. Those really difficult times...

1 year ago

The Smoothie Diet: 21 Day Rapid Weight Loss Program-

Ikaria Juice link-

You know the moments you feel like giving up. Those really difficult times where you think “what’s the point in all of these”

So many people give up on their fitness journey because of hard days, not seeing results or just relying so much on motivation.

I’m not sure who needs to hear this but absolutely no one is coming to save you. Not me, not your family and not your friends. No one’s coming to put your shoes on for you, get you out the door and get you moving but YOU. Sure things might inspire you, but, you’ve got to truly dig deep and realise your true WHY to all of this.

Whether you believe it or not, I do not move to look a certain way anymore, I move because it frees me, it gives me self respect and it shows me I’m truly doing this for ME. I do not move to impress anyone else but myself. My true why is showing myself respect, boundaries and self love by putting my health first when I spent years hating myself and neglecting it.

So no it won’t be easy everyday, motivation will come and go, but it sure will always be WORTH it because your wellness is simply timeless.

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