Are The Jews Our Misfortune? By Dr. William Luther Price

1 year ago

Dr. William Luther, the Chairman of the National Alliance begins the video by stating that it's not just the Jewish elite that are a source of problems for White Western civilization and society. He doesn't mean just the Jewish media bosses or their elites but rather their collective presence is problematic and source of all the misfortune in Western culture and society. They are a tribal people who are a threat to the existence of White Western civilization. The religious White Christians sheeple will state that the Jesus was a Jew and God his father was a Jew. Therefore, God's Chosen people need to be obeyed whenever required by good and righteous Christians. As for secular white western sheeple, their argument will claim that if it weren't for Einstein, Freud, or Salk, we wouldn't have modern Western civilization. The first is allegedly credited with the American Space Program, the latter with modern Psychology, and the last one allegedly provided mankind with Vaccines against Polio. However, the truth is that Einstein wasn't involved in the Space Program until the very end. Rather it was non-Jewish Pioneers, Scientists, Thinkers, and Visionaries like the German Herman Oberth and the Russian Konstantin Tsiolkovsky were involved demonstrated the feasibility of space travel in the early part of the last century. John Salk was a part of a team who took the credit of other scientists as well as his own. Sigmeund Freud only got famous cause of his Jewishness and his theories which were constantly obsessed with genitalia and sex. Rather, Freud damaged the development of the Western understanding of human psychology. Einstein only became famous because of his Jewishness despite having allegedly been a "mathematical genius". Regardless of the few good things a few Jews may have done, they have done far worse damage to Western civilization. This includes genocidal anti-Gentile, anti-European, anti-White mass murderers and revolutionaries like Lazar Kaganovich and Ilya Ehrenburg. Israeli Jewish slave dealers have sold countless Eastern European Christian women into prostitution.

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