Corrupt Brazilian Nazi military prosecuted this poor family

1 year ago

This family ran away from Brazil upon wrongfully being prosecuted by the corrupt Brazilian police who kept them under threats and pressure but they luckily escaped to Canada

The corrupt Brazilian police made lies about them so that they get deported from Canada

The family are in pain and came online to beg for help as she says it in the video the prosecutor is a police so in this sense you can see how te organized crime works in Brazil

I am a student who has been prosecute by these sell out leeches Brazilian police who are corrupt and more cheap than Thailand prostitutes who can be given any money to target innocent people inside brail, in my case upon lies of US military and marines and AirForce and their intelligence that raped and burned children in Afghanistan

I hope this poor family gets help because I can feel their pain and I can see their struggle as i have been experiencing the hate, the lies, the illegal prosecution, the chemical terrorism of their sick demented psychopath police brigada militar and their perpetrators inside UFSM university dorm that they have been using the zersetxung psyop model scripted by their child molester psychiatrist inside UFSM and their corrupt mafia and to be honest God knows with how many people they did all this

Inside UFSM dormitory as i posted their noise videos and also in you can hear the noise patterns they use to sleepdeprive me

Room 2551 next to mine, the scumbag is taking a leave but the room 2446 third floor of block 24 where they placed a stasi couple who are constantly visited by military handler are going nuts with noises. They play noises of children crying. They play sex noises as i have posted it as well. There is no humanity in these scavangers because they kicked out a mother and her child from dormitory

The suclclean security is run by a pedophile who has the fusion center contract from US agents and military for my covert and illegal prosecution

This is Brazil by the way, a puppet country of US that butchers humanity through Nazi practice the very old zersetzung model

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