The church age ends when the rapture happens

1 year ago

The age of grace and church age ends when Jesus grabs His bride of True believers, graves will be opened and believers who died will rise to meet Jesus in the clouds and He will change only those who truly follow Him and we will be out of this wicked world forever, we are not appointed to God wrath at all, but the lukewarm phony church going crowd and pastors will be left behind, the age of grace will be over forever and the door shut! God will then fix His attention on Israel, that is why it is called Jacob trouble to punish Israel for rejecting Jesus and get them to come back, God will not focus on the the fake phony church going crowd at all, nope His main focus is on Israel, and punishing the antichrist and all the wicked, and crushing Satan, first will be the 7 trumpet judgements then the 7 Bowl judgements, God will pour out His tribulation judgements on the entire world and will unleash His wrath, those who are not sealed by God will be stung for 5 months by demons from hell they will not kill anyone but will sting them for 5 months, hail mixed with blood will fall to earth and killing all the trees, Grass, sea life will die to, the tribulation period will be hell on earth, you think things are bad now just wait!! After the rapture happens it will be hell on earth, do not read Paul letters that is for the bride in the church age which is now over forever, read Daniel, Esther, revelation, they are the tribulation period books in the Bible, revelation is very good to read, Skip Paul letters! The church age is over and age of grace to, it will do you no good to read his letters in the tribulation period!! You are no longer in the church age and age of grace, that door has been shut and will never return!!

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