“Pro-choice” can’t agree on anything. Pro-life does.

1 year ago

If you poll a random sampling of “pro-choice” people, you’ll hear all different things about when life begins, when life begins to “matter,” whether there should be any restrictions on abortion and—if so—when. They’ll even disagree on what exactly abortion is and how it should be viewed by women and society—it’s “healthcare;” no, it’s an “act of self-love;” no, it’s always a tragic and challenging decision for a woman but one that she needs access to make.

But if you poll a random sampling of pro-life people, you will hear the same thing: life begins at fertilization, and it matters from the moment it begins. Abortion is always an evil. They may disagree somewhat on how best to legally deal with the fringe cases of unwanted pregnancy from assault—but other than that, it is utter agreement.

Because pro-life is the side of morality, ethics, and science. “Pro-choice” is the side of feelings.

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