Tucker Carlson BREAKS SILENCE: Hints At Future Show & End Of MAINSTREAM Media’s STRANGLEHOLD

1 year ago

Tucker Carlson released a viral video hinting at his future in broadcasting.
Kristi Leigh, the host of Counter Narrative on American Media Periscope, is here to talk about the Fox News Tucker Carlson split and what it could mean for independent media going forward.
Tucker’s twitter video has been viewed over 70 million times.
Tucker exposed the embargo on truth the mainstream media has in America.
He claimed the media prevents honest discussion about war, corporate power, or emerging science.
Tucker could have been fired because of what he reported about the war in Ukraine or his exposing the corrupt relationship between Big Pharma advertising dollars controlling media companies.
Tucker recently admitted he feels guilty for supporting the Iraq war narrative and that he was wrong.
Likewise, Kristi Leigh quit her mainstream media job after she witnessed the top down corporate control media conglomerates have over local T.V. news stations.
It is a scary time in America when traditional media outlets are not capable or allowed to tell the truth to their audience.
However, Tucker and Kristi are correct to point out that there are few Americans who share the truth, and even fewer who listen.
Regardless, truth will prevail, and the new age for right wing media can make truth the new mainstream
Watch Kristi’s show “Counter Narrative” at https://americanmediaperiscope.com/counter-narrative/
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