Rajouri, Jammu & Kashmir: 2 baby sisters died following vaccination

1 year ago

2 baby sisters - 18 month old Afreen and 4 month Mahila were vaccinated, and after being fed, were put to sleep by their mother.


Date & Place: July 2019, Rajouri, Jammu & Kashmir.

Birth - Per immunization schedule, BCG, oral polio and hepatitis vaccines are administered at this age
6 weeks - Per immunization schedule, Polio, pentavalent, rotavirus, fIPV and PCV are administered at this stage
10 weeks - Per immunization schedule, Pentavalent, oral polio, rotavirus vaccines are administered at this stage
14 weeks - Per immunization schedule, Pentavalent, oral polio, rotavirus, PCV and fIPV are administered at this stage
9-12 months - Per immunization schedule, Measles, PCV and JE are administered at this stage
16-24 months - Per immunization schedule, MR, DPT, JE and oral polio are administered at this stage

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