at least my cat slowly blinks at me and that's enough, cruel and stupid world

1 year ago

paisley wants to get all up in the way
anybody that has a cat understands
paisley would demand real beer i know she would
if i was gonna relapse it'd be vodka
arlo slowly blinked at me before i left for work the last time i saw him alive
bought some tampons today yawl
still a woman no matter how much logic i have
little miss sunshine chords right here
wish i was less discombobulated but...
cats don't need tampons fuck you paisley
hormones always meddled w/ by capitalist overlords
everybody problem since men act just like women
what's the point in having a penis w/out a ballsack
everyone is in a trance!
everyone's on is the druggiest of all drugs
they'll never wanna know what i know
they love that bubble so much
not a pretty girl and i'm fine with it
paisley just meowed at herself meowing in the video
comedienne??? fuck that shit
not many comedians are funny
paisley is a comedian other place for us than comedy
can't commit suicide since that'd piss off God
the rest of the world don't seem to mind pissing off God

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