Great Panic In Russia: Putin Assassination Claim Has Shaken The Kremlin!

1 year ago

Great Panic In Russia: Putin Assassination Claim Has Shaken The Kremlin!

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Every country leader has some concerns. For example, leaders of countries with economic problems worry about going bankrupt. The concern of the leaders of countries with terrorist problems is to ensure the security of their country. All these problems are related to reasons such as the politics of the leaders, the geographical location of the countries and global crises. The most important of these reasons is undoubtedly the policy of the country's leaders. Because a leader can make a country a superpower or cause its destruction.
After Russian leader Vladimir Putin began his attempt to invade Ukraine, many of Putin's concerns arose. Economic problems, rebellions within the country, fires of unknown origin, problems in diplomacy and politics, sanctions by Western and European countries, and many other problems are drowning Russian leader Vladimir Putin in a pool of worries. Putin's biggest concern is undoubtedly being assassinated. Because Vladimir Putin thinks only of himself and not of the hundreds of thousands of soldiers he lost during his invasion of Ukraine. Forced to live with the fear of being assassinated at any moment, Putin has become almost paranoid!
In this report, before discussing the assassination attempts against Russian leader Vladimir Putin and the measures taken by Putin in the aftermath of these assassination attempts, let us take a closer look at a new assassination allegation that has recently surfaced. According to the German press, the Ukrainian Secret Service attempted to assassinate Putin with a Ukrainian drone carrying 17 kilograms of explosives!
According to the allegations, a Ukrainian UJ-22 drone took off from Ukraine towards Russia the other day. One of Ukraine's most modern drones, the UJ-22 has a range of 800 kilometers. With this drone, the Ukrainian Secret Service targeted a region near Moscow, 500 kilometers from Ukraine. Because Russian leader Vladimir Putin was going to visit this region. Ukrainian intelligence had access to this secret information. Yuriy Romanenko, a journalist with alleged close ties to Ukrainian intelligence and founder of the Ukrainian Institute for the Future, claimed responsibility for the alleged assassination!
In a letter, Romanenko described the details of the operation in which they targeted Russian leader Vladimir Putin with a drone as follows: "Last week our intelligence officers received information about Putin's trip to the Rudnevo industrial park. Accordingly, our kamikaze drone took off, which flew through all the air defenses of the Russian Federation and crashed not far from the industrial park."

English Speeches, Steven Crowder, The Dan Bongino Show,X22 Report, DC Enquirer, Donald Trump Jr., Glenn Greenwald, Kim Iversen, JiDion, Russell Brand, Kimberly Guilfoyle, BonginoReport, RepMattGaetz, The Charlie Kirk Show, Akademiks, Redacted News, The Gateway Pundit, Elijah Streams, TheSaltyCracker, Meme TV Live!, RealAmericasVoice, vivafrei, Explain America, RealDirty, ThePeoplesVictory, The Rubin Report, Dinesh D'Souza, And We Know, Ben Shapiro, Mr Producer Media, Terrence K Williams, Matt Kohrs, Revenge of the Cis, John Burk, American Center for Law and Justice, The Post Millennial Live, Stew Peters Network, Destiny, Devin Nunes, Rebel News
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