VA Rating Protection Rules: Is My VA Rating Protected?

1 year ago

Did you know that the VA has protection rules in place for service-connected disability ratings?

5️⃣year rule: If a condition has been rated at the same level of disability for five years or more, the VA can’t reduce your rating unless the condition shows sustained improvement. This means that the improvement is not temporary, and all the medical records show sustained improvement. VA can’t use just one C&P exam to prove sustained improvement.

🔟year rule: Service- connection for a disability that has been in effect for 10 years or more can’t be taken away.

2️⃣0️⃣year rule: If a disability has been rated at or above a certain disability rating for 20 years or more, the rating is considered continuous, and the VA can’t reduce it below that rating.

5️⃣5️⃣year old rule: No periodic future examinations will be requested in cases of veterans over 55 years of age, except under unusual circumstances

It's important to note that these rules don't apply to cases of fraud.

If you have questions about the VA's protection rules or need help with your claim, Veterans Network is here to support you. Contact us today! #veterans #vaclaims #varating

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