Baby Food Crisis

1 year ago

No Not Formula, i'm Talking Babies Being Made Into Food For You ! Yes, Children Of All Ages In Fact. In Your McDonalds Hamburger, In Your Candies and Gums and Treats As "Natural Flavoring", In Your Meat At The Grocery Stores, In Your Processed Foods In All Shapes And Forms, Along With The Bugs That Are Already In There and Wood Fillers Called "Cellulose". We HAve Gone Far Beyond "Soylent Green", Human Composting For the Elderly InStead of Feeding Them Directly To You, They Will Just Spray Them As Fertelizer On Your Crops. YEP, Already Legalized In 27 States. Making Diamonds Out Of Children's Ashes After They Have Tortured Them And Drained Them Of Adreno Chrome. 160,000 Missing Children Between The Open Border and Ukraine, Not Counting The Ones Who Go Missing Every Year From Every Farm (Country) in the Realm. i Don't Think Most Of You Have a Real Concept Of WTF Is Going On Here. Click on full screen View in Your Rumble Player

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