Steven Crowder Reaction | Louder With Crowder ? Yelling (at wife) With Crowder

1 year ago

Steven Crowder Reaction | Are You Actually Surprised? He's always been a JERK!
Firstly thank you to @markdice for providing an uncut, uninterrupted video of the leaked video.
2nd thanks to @StevenCrowder for years of service against the Leftist ideology. I'm disappointed but not surprised, I am only serving my judgement based on what the video from 2021 shows. I am NOT condemning you but I also don't approve of the behavior. Guys, can you please stop with the pearl clutching every time somebody you don't like is exposed for things most people do at some points in their lives. I always knew Steven was an A-hole, I mean you have to be blind to not see that, but we also need A-holes to push the crap out, right. You should never have leaked the audio recordings bro, the industry will try & bury you alive now. But I understand why you felt you had to & why you thought you were the good guy fordoing it.
Lastly thank you to @TheDtlandau without a doubt, the man that elevated the show to insane proportions. I always knew he was in some ways controlling when you would stop talking, I mean it was so obvious, but you were professional enough to understand why he did it. You took back some things you said & that is very respectable. You are my top 10 comedians. The other hosts are good but it just seems like they are all there for themselves, you were there for the show.
Guys, I had to cut the video at some point, I got caught up in the emotions & said some things that I could not talk about right now. They were pertinent to Steven's situation & what I believe led to his downfall.
Pretty much, when you fight for such a long time, everybody starts to look like your enemy or at everything turns into an argument because that becomes your personality "CHANGE MY MIND!" but they can't because you won't hear them. That's what happened to me & that is what led me to my severe depression & burnout.
Until we have further information, I will not condemn this very angry confrontational childish man.
Thanks for watching.
#stevencrowder #davelandau #louderwithcrowder #giggavega #mugclub

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