The Gopher Power Animal

11 months ago

www.poweranimals.infoHello friends and welcome to the healing world of power animals. Discovering your spirit animal will give a better appreciation of your God given animal nature. Today, we’ll look at the gopher.

There are 38 species of the small burrowing gopher that have stout bodies built for digging. Their legs are short and powerful while they use their broad front claws and teeth for moving soil. Gophers are found in North and South America in areas with loose, sandy soil. They’re primarily herbivores with a keen sense of smell to locate food. The active gopher isn’t afraid of hard work since they like to build long tunnels with multiple entrances and exits. The watchful gopher lives underground for protection where they’re less vulnerable to predators. They dig complex burrows to create social colonies with personal spaces. The focused gopher has large cheek pouches that it fills with food and material for nesting. They hoard stems and roots to survive winters since they don’t migrate or hibernate. The agile gopher is very confident as they’re aware of their surroundings both above and below the surface. Gophers produce multiple litters of pups that are born blind, hairless, and completely dependent on their mother.

The strong-minded gopher is very grounded and in touch with Mother Earth’s energies. They’re symbols of preparation, perseverance, and purpose. They show how to dig deeply into a situation and how to discover hidden talents. When you want to follow your intuition, call on the gopher spirit. Visit our website to learn more and to get your free power animal reading. Thank you for subscribing and have a great day.

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