Clotel, or, The President's Daughter by William Wells Brown - FULL AUDIOBOOK

1 year ago

Clotel; or, The President's Daughter is a novel by William Wells Brown (1814-84), a fugitive from slavery and abolitionist and was published in London, England in December 1853. It is often considered the first African-American novel. This novel focuses on the difficult lives of mulattoes in America and the "degraded and immoral condition of the relation of master and slave in the USA" (Brown). It is about the tragic lives of Currer, Althesea, and Clotel. In the novel, Currer is the former mulatto mistress of President Thomas Jefferson who together have two daughters, Althesea and Clotel. Because she was beautiful and the mistress of Jefferson, Currer and her daughters lived a comfortable life, this changed when her master passes away. In the end, Currer and Althesea are auctioned to the notorious slave trader, Dick Walker. Clotel is bought by her lover Horatio Green. The separation of these three women is just the beginning of the injustices they face.

00:00:00 - 00 - 00 - Memoir of the Author
00:03:22 - 01 - 01 - The Negro Sale
00:20:52 - 02 - 02 - Going to the South
00:34:45 - 03 - 03 - The Negro Chase
00:44:48 - 04 - 04 - The Quadroon's Home
00:50:50 - 05 - 05 - The Slave Master
00:57:35 - 06 - 06 - The Religious Teacher
01:23:20 - 07 - 07 - The Poor Whites, South
01:33:54 - 08 - 08 - The Separation
01:42:59 - 09 - 09- The Man of Honor
01:46:15 - 10 - 10- The Young Christian
01:59:15 - 11 - 11- The Parson Poet
02:05:31 - 12 - 12- A Night in the Parson's Kitchen
02:15:41 - 13 - 13- A Slave Hunt
02:26:55 - 14 - 14- A Free Woman Reduced to Slavery
02:33:40 - 15 - 15- Today a Mistress,Tomorrow a Slave
02:39:35 - 16 - 16- Death of the Parson
02:48:55 - 17 - 17- Retaliation
02:54:07 - 18 - 18- The Liberator
03:07:45 - 19 - 19- Escape of Clotel
03:33:25 - 20 - 20- A True Democrat
03:42:10 - 21 - 21- The Christian's Death
03:55:36 - 22 - 22- A Ride in a Stage Coach
04:16:55 - 23 - 23- Truth Stranger Than Fiction
04:28:57 - 24 - 24- The Arrest
04:38:34 - 25 - 25- Death is Freedom
04:49:24 - 26 - 26- The Escape
05:05:57 - 27 - 27- The Mystery
05:12:41 - 28 - 28-29-The Happy Meeting and The Conclusion

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